Play Candela Obscura
Play your occult story as an investigator with your circle of allies exploring the Fairelands on Roll20.
Illuminate Your Assignments
Candela Obscura, using the Illuminated Worlds System, is a narrative-driven RPG set in an alternate version of our world at the turn of the 20th century and explores the mysteries surrounding magickal creatures and artifacts – and the horrors they cause.

Build Your Investigator
Choose your character’s role and specialty and let our character sheet assign the stats for you. Build your dice pools, including the special gilded die, and see if failure or spectacular success determine your fate.

Play Anywhere
Create unlimited character sheets and try new games outside the virtual tabletop using Roll20 Characters. Take your game with you and play directly from the sheets on your laptop or tablet.

Character Sheet Powered by Roll20
Our character sheet includes custom options for homebrew roles, specialities, abilities, Illumination Keys, and gear. Manage your Illumination Track and resources for your group’s circle with the circle character sheet.
Candela Obscura Core Rulebook
Unlock the Candela Obscura Core Rulebook for character building and virtual tabletop play on Roll20, or grab the PDF from DriveThruRPG! Enjoy the Dressed to Kill Assignment FREE.
Your Adventure Is Waiting
Try new games & create characters with Roll20 Characters.
Take your games outside the VTT with Roll20 Characters. Create free unlimited characters and try out top game systems, from wherever you are. Make rolls directly in your sheet and keep track in the dice log! Import characters from your games and export into new ones.
Trying out the system? Roll20 provides free basic rules for you to explore Candela Obscura while you create your character sheet, or pick up the official free Quickstart Guide on DriveThruRPG.
BUILD A CHARACTERBegin your assignment. Start your investigation!