D&D 5e New Player Series
Cantrips in D&D 5e: A Complete Guide
Mar 14, 2025
Every spellcaster in D&D knows how frustrating it can be to run out of spell slots at just the wrong moment.
Maybe you didn’t plan ahead, or you used one up before you stumbled into that unexpected encounter. Being unable to call on the right spell can mean doom for you and your party – unless you have a cantrip in your pocket ready to roll.
Cantrips are the unsung heroes of the D&D magic system, offering you access to foundational spellcasting that doesn’t run out. But how do cantrips work on your 5e character sheet, and how can you make sure you’re ready for whatever your DM throws your way?
What Are Cantrips?
Cantrips may have an interesting name – but they’re a simple concept.
Cantrips are zero-level spells that spellcasters can cast without expending a spell slot. They’ve been “memorized” and practiced so thoroughly that they become second nature for a spellcaster – meaning they can cast them at will without preparation or magical resource cost.
While cantrips are usually less powerful than leveled spells, it’s their unlimited use and ability to scale in effectiveness that makes them a key part of gameplay.
Whether you’re a wizard hurling fire bolts or a cleric invoking sacred flame, cantrips make sure that you always have an option at your disposal when your slots have been used up.
How Are Cantrips Different From Regular Spells?
There are a few aspects of cantrips that set them apart from other spells you typically have to learn and assign as you level up:
- They Don’t Use Up A Spell Slot: Unlike regular spells that consume spell slots when cast, cantrips can be used as often as you want without depleting your resources.
- Cantrips Don’t Need Preparation: Some classes have to prepare their spells daily (think clerics and wizards) – which can mean strategizing just right before you head out on adventure. But cantrips are always at your side once learned.
- They Can Scale As You Level: Many damage-dealing cantrips will automatically become more powerful as you level up (typically at the 5th, 11th, and 17th level) regardless of your class distribution if you multiclass.
- Cantrips Can’t Be Upcast: While many spells gain additional power when cast using higher-level spell slots, cantrips can’t take advantage of this enhancement.
- They Come In A Limited Selection: Spellcasters can only learn a small number of cantrips compared to the full repertoire of leveled spells – so choose wisely!
Key Cantrip Features & Leveling
Cantrips serve a variety of purposes and functions in-game and fall into specific categories based on their use:
1. Combat Cantrips
These cantrips offer reliable damage options when conserving spel slots or after you’ve depleted them. Some examples include:
- Fire Bolt: The classic wizard cantrip that deals 1d10 fire damage – and scales up at higher levels
- Eldritch Blast: A signature attack of a warlock, capable of targeting multiple creatures as you grow in level
- Sacred Flame: Clerics utilize Sacred Flame to deal radiant damage that ignores cover
- Vicious Mockery: This fun tool of the Bard deals psychic damage and imposes a disadvantage on the target’s next attack roll
2. Utility Cantrips
These cantrips offer practical solutions to many of your most common adventuring problems. While they may not offer much in combat, they can make a world of difference when exploring:
- Mage Hand: manipulate objects from a distance with a spectral hand
- Light: Illuminate objects with a bright light (great for dark places!)
- Mending: Repair small breaks or tears in objects, whether it’s torn clothing or broken tools
- Message: This cantrip allows you to whisper communicate with a distant creature
3. Control Cantrips
These fall somewhere between utility and combat – helping you gain an upper hand on the battlefield:
- Thorn Whip: Deals damage while simultaneously pulling creatures closer to you.
- Shocking Grasp: Prevents the target from taking reactions – allowing you to move or retreat.
- Minor Illusion: Create small illusions on the battlefield that can help distract or misdirect.
How Do Cantrips Scale With Levels?
One of the best parts of cantrips is their ability to remain relevant throughout your character’s growth and career. Many offensive cantriops increase in power at the levels 5, 11, and 17:
- Level 1-4: Base damage (usually 1dX)
- Level 5-10: Increased damage (usually 2dX)
- Level 11-16: Further increased damage (usually 3dX)
- Level 17+: Maximum damage (usually 4dX)
For instance, the “Toll the Dead” cantrip starts out by dealing 1d8 necrotic damage to unwounded creatures (or 1d12 to wounded ones) at the first level. But by level 17, you’ll be dealing 4d8 (or 4d12) damage – making this unlimited combat cantrip one of the deadliest in the game!
Tips for Choosing The Right Cantrips
So, how do you pick the right cantrips for your character? With limited spots, you’ll want to make sure you pick the right one for your adventure. Here are some of our top tips:
Give Yourself Access To Multiple Damage Types
Different enemies you’ll encounter have different resistances and vulnerabilities. That means having the right combination of cantrip and leveled spells matters – so make sure you have access to multiple damage types (fire, cold, lightning, etc.) to have maximum flexibility.
Attack Rolls vs. Saving Throws
Some cantrips require attack rolls, while others force saving throws. Attack roll cantrips benefit from advantage and critical hits – but can end up missing entirely. Saving throw cantrip often deals half damage on a successful save, so you have some effect even against skilled opponents.
Range and Area
How will you place yourself in combat? Melee cantrips like Shocking Grasp require you to be adjacent to enemies, while ranged options like Eldritch Blast let you keep a safe distance.
Utility Outside Combat
It’s not all about damage when it comes to cantrips! Some – like prestidigitation, Thaumaturgy, and Druidcraft – can offer tons of exploration and social interaction possibilities. Knowing which to choose based on your potential adventure matters can make a big difference in and out of battle.
What Are The Best Cantrips By Class?
While we’re the first to admit there’s no best cantrip, there are some options that work well with specific characters:
- Guidance: Boost ability checks for you and your allies.
- Fire Bolt: Solid ranged damage option.
- Mending: Perfectly themed for the class's tinkering nature.
- Vicious Mockery: Combines damage with tactical advantage.
- Minor Illusion: Extremely versatile for creative players.
- Message: Enhances the bard's role as a party communicator.
- Guidance: Perhaps the most useful non-combat cantrip in the game.
- Sacred Flame: Bypasses cover and deals radiant damage.
- Toll the Dead: Higher damage against wounded enemies.
- Shillelagh: Transforms your staff into a powerful weapon using Wisdom.
- Thorn Whip: Combines damage with battlefield control.
- Guidance: Always useful for exploration and social encounters.
- Fire Bolt: Reliable damage at range.
- Minor Illusion: Creative utility with endless applications.
- Message: Great for social scenarios.
- Eldritch Blast: Can be enhanced with Eldritch Invocations for devastating effect.
- Minor Illusion: Perfect for deception.
- Mage Hand: Useful manipulation at a distance.
- Mage Hand: The quintessential wizard utility.
- Fire Bolt: Solid damage option.
- Prestidigitation: Incredible versatility for clever players.
Explore Cantrips and More with Roll20
The best part of playing on Roll20? We make setting and using your cantrips easier than ever.
Our character sheets automatically track which cantrips you know and apply the appropriate scaling based on your character level. You can create macros for frequently used cantrips to speed up your gameplay and make the most of your spells with the Roll20 visual features.
Ready to embrace your limitless magic? Start exploring cantrips and see how to customize your character on Roll20 best. Check out our D&D 5e character sheet online today and jump into your next adventure now!